St. Matthias Novena

Introductory Prayer:
O apostle Matthias! thou didst complete the sacred college, from which Judas had fallen; and by the power of the Holy Ghost, thou didst put to flight the darkness of idolatry by the admirable lightnings of thy wise words. Do thou now beseech the Lord that he grant peace and much mercy to our souls.*
And may the Lord be attentive to the prayers and intercession you offer on our behalf…

[Offer your intentions]

Day 1: Pray O St Matthias that we may have the patience and endurance that you had to follow our Lord and King Jesus

Day 2: May we imitate your humility and compassion as we stand before the throne of our Creator with you as our advocate

Day 3: Guide us gently closer to the Spirit that we may find as you did the fruits of love, joy, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

Day 4: In our darkness, dear Matthias, may we see the light of Christ reflecting from your countenance and may we be healed and made whole inside and out from your intercession and prayers

Day 5: Let us find Jesus in all around us, let us feel His presence in our lives just as surely and certainly as you did during your time on earth with Him.

Day 6: In the will of God may we find true peace, knowing as you did, Matthias, that our Father is in control and will guide us in the way that is best for our eternal salvation.

Day 7: Whenever difficulties arise, through your advocacy, help us to persevere as you and the other Apostles did, keeping our eyes on the One who endured the punishment for us.

Day 8: Regardless of how we feel, pray, Matthias, that we will be able to love and to serve in the spirit of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ

Day 9: As we approach the end of our lives, let us offer the last of our strength, the last of our compassion, the last of our being to the greater glory of the Creator of all things who made us all to be good and faithful servants to the final moment.

Closing Prayer
Guided by the sail of the cross, thou, O blessed one, didst pass over the troubled sea of life, and didst reach the haven of rest. Do thou now vouchsafe to join the glad choir of the apostles, and beseech the infinite Judge, that he would show himself a merciful Lord unto us.*
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…

St Matthias, pray for us!

*from the Menaea of the Greeks as quoted in Liturgical Year, The by Abbot Gueranger O.S.B., Marian House, 1983

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