Invisible Lent

The big question at this time of year is “What did you give up for Lent?” Interestingly, I seldom hear, “What did you take on for Lent?” As I review my Lenten sacrifices, I find more taking on than giving up.

Back in my younger days, I actually gave up solid food for two consecutive Lents. I’m not sure I was spiritually stronger afterwards, though several pounds lighter. It was more of a physical/psychological challenge than a genuine spiritual sacrifice.

Nowadays, in my Matthiast practice and in the spirit of Matthew 6:16-18, I try to make my Lent as invisible as possible. It is part of a very personal journey with my dear Lord as he makes his way to Calvary. Consequently, I’d like to avoid a social exchange of penances that could easily lead to “one-upping” one another, trying to peg out the spiritual sufferometer.

So as long I can dexterously dance around the inquiries, I’ll keep my Lent invisible to everyone except the one whom I am trying to move closer to.

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