Welcome to the Matthiast blog, honoring St. Matthias. This man, an apostolic blip in the salvation narrative, followed Jesus from the beginning, was never mentioned in the Gospels, chosen by lot in the Acts of the Apostles, then vanished, literarily, that is. Here we celebrate the spirit of this virtually invisible servant of Our Lord, and hope to be as faithfully selfless as he was.
Your method of loving one’s enemies is just that. It offers a systematic approach to irritations that can make or break my day. Thank you for this blog. I will be trying out your technique the very next time I am vexed. I want to offer God the opportunity to smile.
2 responses to “The Practice of Enemy Loving”
Your method of loving one’s enemies is just that. It offers a systematic approach to irritations that can make or break my day. Thank you for this blog. I will be trying out your technique the very next time I am vexed. I want to offer God the opportunity to smile.
Thanks, my dear Barsabas for your lovely words and for all your support on this blog.